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Friday, September 09, 2005

Image Toolbar for Firefox is a Big Bunch of Stupid Ass

So, the blog has been having some load issues lately. The page would go into some sort of load limbo in Firefox where the titlebar would claim to be "loading" while the status bar claimed to be "stopped."

Turns out it was just me fucking up, as usual.

Last Thursday I installed a new Firefox plugin called Image Toolbar (See my previous post for more info), which apparently added some crazy bit of code to end of my posts. I didn't realize it was doing this because I used the rich text post editor rather than the html editor, so I was just clicking away like a fucking retard.

Anyway, I got rid of the thing today and cleaned up all the affected posts. Everything should be fine now.

I'd say email me if you're still having problems, but if you are, how are you reading this?

Long story short; fuck the Firefox Image Toolbar.


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