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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yummy Firefox Extensions

Just thought I'd proselytize a bit about the New Church of Our Lord Firefox.

If you don't already have Firefox, get it here. Essentially, it's everything Internet Explorer has failed to be. Unlike his bastard Microsoft brother, Firefox finished college, got a nice cushy office job downtown, and didn't get his girlfriend knocked-up.

Aside from the basic wonderfulness of tabbed browsing and relatively little bloat, Firefox is opensource and has plugin support, meaning that anyone with the know-how can make an add-on for the browser.

Here's a list of the plugins that I have found the most useful:
  • AdBlock - gives you the ability to block all of the in-page advertisements of any given website
  • Webmail Compose - sends you to your preferred webmail service when you click a mailto: link instead of Outlook Express
  • Gmail Notifier - notifies you when you have new Gmail
  • PDF Download - gives you the option to just download the PDF instead of opening it in the browser
  • Image Toolbar - adds a an image toolbar similar to the IE image toolbar
  • Google PageRank Status - displays the pagerank status in the status bar

I use some other stuff, too, but they're most related to me being a super dork.


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