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Thursday, September 08, 2005

What the Fuck is Wrong with Pat Robertson?

He did it again.

Within the short span of three weeks, Patty-boy has managed to utter another extraordinarily stupid remark.

This time, however, instead of threatening to murder a foreign leader, he decided that the aftermath of Katrina would be best used to push a conservative agenda on the Supreme Court.

Here's some text from the article via The Washington Post:

While the rest of us are still shell-shocked over the mass casualties of Katrina, Pat Robertson says John Roberts can "be thankful that a tragedy has brought him some good."

Thankful? (Because America won't want any "inflamed rhetoric" at the hearings, the televangelist says.) Not the most sensitive comment I can imagine, with more than half of New Orleans inundated with disease-laden water and an untold number of bodies still to be pulled out.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? What kind of bass-ackwards religion would let him continue to be a minister?!?

Ah!!!... Brain hurts...


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