Now in Yummy Human Flavor!
How can you make tofu better, you ask? Simple, nancy-pants. Just make it taste like people!
I shit you not on this one.
Billed as the "healthy alternative" to human flesh (WTF? A cannibalistic health nut?), Hufu is essentially artificial human meat.
From their FAQ:
If you've never had human flesh before, think of the taste and texture of beef, except a little sweeter in taste and a little softer in texture. Contrary to popular belief, people do not taste like pork or chicken.This shit is perfectly legal, too.
I dunno. Aside from just being creepy, this seems like a horribly bad idea.
Who the fuck is gonna buy this shit?
Sure, they're on back order now, but once the crazies and frat boys have gotten over the novelty of this shit, where's the viability?
Worst. Idea. Ever.
Found this via StrangeNewProducts.
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