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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wow, the UN Grew Some Balls

Here is a United Nations PSA about landmines.

It's pretty rough and was apparently rufused by all major markets in the United States.

I also found an MSNBC article about the PSA, if you wanna read more about it.

It's a real shame that the ad was never aired, cause it would certainly turns some heads.

The Debinator points out, though, that unless someone deliberately mined the soccer field after it was built, there really shouldn't have been any way for this to actually happen.

That's not the point, though. The point is that landmines are bad and that this shit happens all the time. The only difference is that most of the time the people who get blown up are brown. And yeah, it just so happens that the people getting blown up are often kids playing sports.

Anyway, check out the ad and spread it around. It should really be seen.


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