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Saturday, September 10, 2005

Wondering Where the Little Woman Went? Why not Lojack the bitch?

Ah, yes. Forget-Me-Not Panties, the ultimate tool for any frighteningly obsessive significant other.

With these marvels of modern technology, not only can you track the exact geo-spatial position of you battered woman, you can also monitor her temperature and vital signs to make sure she isn't doing anything that might lead her down that slippery slope to independence.

These things, of course, hail from those crazy bastards over in Japan, so their oddity is really about par for the course for a nation who's pastime involves fat men in diapers hugging each other. Still, I have to wonder what kind of person actually buys something like this. Is it the abusive and controlling boyfriend or, as the site suggests, a worried parent?

Still, no matter who might buy these things, the placement of the sensor package is a little odd. Don't you think?


At 10 September, 2005 10:12, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

I dunno.

They do sound rather joke-ish, but there also an ordering page that seems legit.

Maybe the company just has a sense of humor?

In any event, it certainly is post worthy at 2am.


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