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Friday, February 03, 2006

50 Rounds per Second is a Little Much, Don't You Think?

From CNN.com.
LIVERMORE, California (AP) -- Officials at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have added a new weapon to their armory: a high-powered machine gun that can fire more than 50 rounds per second.
Yes, because the obvious security solution for suburban office complex, National Labratory or not, is a 6-barrel, 7.62x51mm mini-gun capable of shooting off 3000 rounds per minute. Think about that for a second; 3000 rounds per minute is a hell of a lot bullets hurling through the air. At 7.62mms, this thing is easily capable of shredding an armored vehicle, let alone any kind of civillian type it's more likely to encounter.

Now, don't get me wrong; this is an awesome gun. I just can't help but feel that they may have taken this a bit too far.

What was wrong with the Browning .50 cal? Did it not kill things dead enough?


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