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Monday, January 30, 2006

Lost 2x12 - "Fire + Water"

Sorry I haven’t gotten to this earlier, but last week’s episode was kind of bland. I’m not a big fan of the Charlie character and his current storyline is probably my least favorite aspect of the show. Add to that the fact that there really wasn’t any sort of resolution to the storyline or redemption for the character, and I’m almost at a loss for words in my review.

  • So, Charlie’s flashbacks seem to mark a new occurrence on the show in that they were also hallucinations of some kind. I wonder if this is going to be something that only happens to Charlie, or if the other characters are going to start seeing their memories manifest in reality. I guess this already sorta happened with Kate and the horse, but not quite at the same level as with Charlie.
  • Sadly, I think the Voltron cameo was my favorite part of this episode. And it was in such good condition, too. I wish I still had my Voltron…
  • Nice to see Sawyer not being such a total dick anymore. Kinda strange that, of all people available to him on the island, Hurley decides to ask Sawyer for advice about Libby. I guess he could have been asking Kate the first time, but since Sawyer answered and then later drew Libby’s attention for him, I’m inclined to think he just meant to ask Sawyer.
  • Not a total lack of dickery, though. Sawyer still called Hurley “Jabba.” Didn’t seem to faze him, though.
  • Continuing with Hurley some more, the shot of him dressed in biblical costume was pretty amusing. Let’s have more of that.
  • The stuff with Libby is turning out to be fairly interesting too. I’m convinced that she was a doctor in the mental hospital at which Hurley used to be a patient. Hurley recognized her and called her on it, and she was pretty obviously lying with her answer. At the very lest, she was holding back the truth.
  • Her comment about the washer/dryer caught my ear, too. It really doesn’t seem to fit in with anything else. The implication here seems to be that the island and the bunker facilities get restocked every-so-often. Gotta wonder why they haven’t updated their music collection, though.
  • Anna Lucia is endearing herself to me a bit. Nice to see that someone on the island is finally calling Jack on the fucked-upedness of his relationship with Kate. If either of them were normal people, their hot/cold attitudes toward each other could probably be most easily explained by some sort of foolhardy romantic relationship brought on by the disparity of their situation. They’re not normal, though.
  • The main plot of this episode seemed lacking to me. Like I said earlier, I don’t find Charlie very interesting. He, so far, has no past connection to any of the other characters and, while interesting as a character building exercise, this episode didn’t really seem to further the plot any. The whole idea of needing a Baptism kinda irked me, too. I don’t much care for that kind of hell-bound talk in my entertainment. I understand that Catholicism is part of Charlie’s character, but there’s no need to be preachy. Shit, Eko’s backstory is all about him becoming a priest and there wasn’t an ounce of preachiness in it.
  • Ugh, speaking things I don’t like, what’s with Locke being such a dick all of a sudden. Well, I guess he was always a bit of a dick, but he used to be a mildly creepy, mysterious dick. Now he’s just your average, logic confounding, refuses to listen, punches for no reason dick. Bad move there.
  • Now, I don’t mean to say that Charlie didn’t deserve to get hit. In fact, I think they probably should’ve beat him up a long time ago. His actions in this episode really do warrant some kind of punishment, but Locke hit him after the situation was already resolved. There just wasn’t a need.
  • Kate was kinda bitchy in this one, too. Where does she get the right to try to stop Charlie from talking to Claire?
  • And Charlie was right, everyone on that island has seen some crazy shit and people just believe them. But when the guy who used to have drug problem says the same thing, it’s all of a sudden outside the realm of possibility.
  • One last thing: What the fuck kind of rock band does a diaper commercial? Even washed-up has-beens have their dignity.
Ok, that’s it for now. Hopefully the next episode will be better.

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At 05 February, 2006 06:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awful, awful and awful.


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