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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Random Thought

I hate the iPod. Well, actually, I hate iTunes. I really, really hate iTunes. I hate iTunes so much that I hate the iPod through their association.

I've been trying to update my girlfriend's 3g iPod for the better part of a week, now and the fucking thing still won't recognize any of my god damned playlists.

Fuck you, Apple, and your unnecessary interface software. You couldn't just make the damn thing drag and drop? You're a bunch of fucking assholes, you know that?

Maybe you can answer a question for me, though. Are you all asses with holes in them, or just holes completely surrounded by ass?

I'll hate you just the same, I guess, but I'd just like to know.

And yes, I had to make the picture myself. It's almost impossible to find iPod hate in an image search.


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