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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

For All Our Technology...

Chances are, if you've met me, you know I like to complain. I'm not happy unless I'm unhappy and if something bitch-worthy hasn't happened to me lately, I'll go into one of several already-prepared rants.

One of them used to be about my glasses fogging up whenever I walked outside. It's a horrible annoyance that has plagued me for most of my life. So, depending on how much pent-up hostility I'm carrying around with me at any given time, I can jabber on about this for anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes. My usual point is that we, as a society, waste technology on stupid shit, like the mostly useless plethora of iPod accessories, instead of fixing common and long-standing problems, like fogged up glass.

Well, my dreams have come true. Slashdot is reporting that scientists at MIT have developed a "unique polymer made of silica nanoparticles" that will either greatly reduce or completely eliminate fogging.

Now all I want are my god damned flying cars!


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