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Monday, August 29, 2005

Portable Car?

And yeah, before you say it, I know that any object capable of its own locomotion is technically portable. But check this thing out anyway.

Apparently it's call the Mazda Suitcase Car and it's - wait for it - a car that folds up into a suitcase. Well, fine, it's really more of a go-cart, but those are cool too.

Anyway, found this via OhGizmo! via Fosfor Gadgets via 3Wheelers.com.

The car was part os some sort of internal design competition Mazda had for its engineers back in the early '90's.

Go here for lots of pictures of the thing surrounded by some Russian text!

Oh, and maybe you can help me on this one. Is that a kid or just a really young, good looking midget? The cell phone is throwing me off.


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