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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Marion Barry Robbed at Gunpoint

Man, DC is a rough place.

The Washington Post is reporting that former Mayor and current City Councilman Marion Barry was robbed at gun-point in his kitchen by a couple of teenagers who had just helped him bring up some groceries.

It looks like he lives over in Anacostia, which is a part of town to which I NEVER go. I'd say that I'm glad to see my distaste of the area is rightly founded, but dude, that's pretty fucked up right there.

Anywho, Barry seems to want to help the kids more than punish them, which is a nice change of pace. That part of DC is one of the poorest places in the country and everyone over there could use a little help.

I'd make an effort, but I'm not fan of getting shot.


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