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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I Always Knew BellSouth Were a Bunch of Dicks

The Washington Post is reporting that, because of New Orleans' decision to implement free wireless internet service throughout the city, Bell South has angrily withdrawn their donation to help get the city back on its feet after Hurrican Katrina.

For those who may not know, BellSouth is a phone company; and a shitty one, at that.

From the article:
City officials said BellSouth was upset about the plan to bring high-speed Internet access for free to homes and businesses to help stimulate resettlement and relocation to the devastated city. Around the country, large telephone companies have aggressively lobbied against localities launching their own Internet networks, arguing that they amount to taxpayer-funded competition. Some states have laws prohibiting them.
See what I mean?

A bunch of dicks.


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