Lost 2x09 - "What Kate Did"
So, this was the last episode of 2005. Not a bad way to end the year.
The title of the episode seemed a little odd for the show. A little more plain than I'm used to.
Anywho, here are some thoughts and shit:
- Did I miss something? When did everyone get tents?
- Poor Sayid doesn't even have a shovel. That's rough.
- So, Kate blew up a house with her biological father in it. Well now, certainly wasn't expecting that.
- Continuing with that, Kate killed her biological father, who she thought until recently was her stepfather, because he was, in fact, her biological father. Ok, then.
- We now have a horse on the island. Fun. It'll fit right in with the polar bears. But was it the same horse that she saw in the flashabck?
- Sawyer is either delerious, possessed, or both, and tried to kill Kate. Seems like that should have been something she mentioned to Jack.
- Speaking of Jack... Only took the two of them 45+ days of being stranded on a spooky island in the middle of nowhere to finally kiss.
- Kate rode a motorcycle. That's kinda hot.
- The marshall really was there from the beginning. The guy's got some bad luck with Kate. First the car, then the plane. Come to think of it, she crashed the Ozzy farmer's car too, didn't she?
- Jin is ripped.
- Sayid's comment during Shannon's funeral about how they would have never spoken if not for the crash was a little ironic, eh? You know, considering that they actually did speak before the crash when he asked her to watch his bags. I can see how he might not count that, though, since she did report him to security.
- Kinda expected a little more follow-up on the tailies. Hurley's comment about Bernard being white was good enough, though.
- Speaking of the tailies, glad to see the focus has shifted off of Fiesty McBitch.
- After a year and a half, we finally got our first Lord of the Flies reference.
- Funny how Eko couldn't just say to Locke, "I found a piece of the film in another bunker on the other side of the island."
- Didja catch the connection between Kate, her Army father, and Sayid? Me niether, so I got a link: Screen Shot @ Lost-Media.com Click on the picture to make it bigger, then take a look at the tv on the left.
Technorati Tags: Television * ABC * Lost * Entertainment
Hey men, here we go again. First of all, have you noticed the hand next to horse when Kate and Sawyer go out of the Bunker? I have made a cap. haha!!
Mr. Eko seems to be not from USA, right?. Might he be African?. Is there any relation with the plane Boone and Locke found?.
Regards from Spain!!
Yes, Eko definitely has some sort of African accent. I have no idea from which country, though.
And yeah, I heard about the hand on a message board I frequent. The consensus over there seems to be that the hand probably belongs to the trainer and its appearance on film is just an accident. I still wouldn't be surprised if they decided to use it for something, though.
As for Eko and the plane, I'm gonna go ahead and agree that they're connected somehow. The preview for the next episode showed Eko smashing open Charlie's little statue with the implication that he knew what was inside.
Who knows, maybe they'll reveal Eko was in Austrailia looking for his brother who disappeared a drug running mission or something.
The pic is working, but I have hotlink protection. You only have to refresh the error page or click in the adress and press enter. It will work and you'll see the hand, haha.
So, another point... "don't use the computer to comunicate with the outside world". Wow. what about this??
And the last one for the moment. Have american people in boards discovered what the whispers said in the jungle?.
Well, Locke showed us that the computer couldn't actually be used for anything other than to input the numbers earlier in the episode. I find it to be an amazing coincidince that the computer all of a sudden gained this new functionality almost immediately after Locke and Eko watched the new piece of film. I think that might have been the reason it was cut out and hidden in the first place. It somehow triggers the ability to communicate through the computer. The previous occupants of the bunker realized this and got rid of it to do away with the temptation.
As for the voices in the jungle, I think those are a by-product of the remote viewing experiments that Dharma was doing on the island. I think the voices are actually the projected thoughts of the others and not really voices at all. I kinda get the impression that the visions of Walt that keep popping up are something similar.
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