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Monday, December 05, 2005

Crisis Counseling - 12/05/05

New Crisis Counseling up at DC.

Turned out to be pretty decent this week. Looks like Jason Todd killed Captain Nazi, which, as you might be able to imagine, has been a long time coming. I mean, really, Captain Nazi?

I realize that he's a hold-over from Fawcett Comics, but come on DC, you've held the rights to Captain Marvel and all his villains for what, 30 years? Lame shit like that should've been dealt with a long time ago. Props for having the other villains rag on him, though; I enjoyed that quite a bit.

Wonder Woman was decent, but that whole question about her invulnerability came up again. A few issues back she got into a tuft with Supes where she (1) seemed to be able to survive in the vacuum of space, (2) held her own against a vengeful and unrelenting Superman, and (3) managed to up and walk away from the catastrophic, crater causing impact of being thrown from near-solar orbit all the way back to the Earth. After all that, how is it that she can't take on a few hundred OMAC's?

Eh, I don't know what kind of answer I'm really expecting. They've never really explained why she's still got that invisible jet if she can fly on her own or why she needs to deflect bullets with those wristbands if she can stand up to heat vision.

It's still fun, though, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

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