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Monday, December 05, 2005

Yay! It's...a...Klong?

Yeah, Klong. I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to be either, but it's got weighted hands and feet so that it feels like it's hugging you...

And what the hell is wrong with the kid in that picture?

Anywho, if you fancy several nights of what I'm sure will be incredibly vivid and disturbing nightmares, check out the product page and this video.

Via Strange New Products.

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At 06 December, 2005 10:29, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

Yeah, she looks pretty god damned terrified.

At 07 December, 2005 17:29, Blogger Andre said...

ROFLMAO @ this product!!!!!

At 09 December, 2005 01:52, Blogger Sandwich Repairman said...

also her head is a couple sizes too big for her body.


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