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Friday, November 25, 2005

Lost 2x08 "Collisions"

Another week, another awesome episode of Lost. I still don't like Anna Lucia, but at least I know more about her now.

Anyway, as has become my way, here are some thoughts and questions about "Collisions:"

  • So, Anna Lucia was a cop. Big surprise. Was she an LAPD cop, though? Kinda looked like it, but I couldn't really tell.
  • Her patrol car was #16.
  • Interesting parallel between her and Jack in that they both worked for one of their parents.
  • I still think Eko is a priest, but after how easily he seemed to take down Sayid, I now think he's some sort of warrior priest. You know, like the ones the Vatican used to send around to take out the heretics.
  • Uh, when Sayid dropped the gun, why didn't Jin or Michael try to pick it up? Dumbasses just stood there.
  • The golf scene seemed strained. Maybe cause one of the characters just got dead, but it didn't feel right. Could also have been that the tension between Jack and Kate was just a bit too blatant.
  • Locke's crossword puzzle has meaning. He was writing Gilgamesh as the answer to "Friend of Enkidu." Here's a happy fun explanation courtesy of Encyclopedia Mythica.
  • Feisty McBitch was pregnant and lost the kid when she got shot. Booohooo... I still don't like her.
  • I know LA is a crime-ridden shit hole and all, but no one put two and two together about Anna and the execution-style murder of her confessed attacker? Weak, dude. Weak.
  • I'm in no mood for anymore of that Kate/Sawyer bullshit.
  • They sure do have a lot of guns in that bunker, eh?
  • So, Locke and Eko finally met and the universe didn't implode. I was hoping for a little more with that, but I guess they gotta spread it out over the rest of the season.
  • Don't ya think Sayid should have said something to Michael about seeing Walt? You know, since that might have been the last time he would ever see him and the only other person on the island that saw Walt was lying dead 20 feet away? Just a thought.
  • Anna Lucia had no visible scars in that little tank-top despite having been shot 4 or 5 times with hollow-point bullets. That Jason kid had a pretty tight shot grouping. Impressive for a street punk.
  • I like how Jin and Michael just speak to each other and can have a conversation without actually knowing what the other is saying.
  • What could Sun have been doing that it took her that long to notice Jin, especially given the crowd that gathered around to greet him?
  • The look on Jack's face at the end of the episode was rough. That's some nice acting right there.
That's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of more, but in the mean time, feel free to comment.

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At 27 November, 2005 22:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey men, after next episode..., ¿it is true that we will have to wait until january 6th?

regards from spain.

At 27 November, 2005 23:05, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

Wow, I didn't think it was possible, but those Canadians somehow made that preview both incredibly exciting and incredibly boring at the same time. Looks to be a good ep, though. Certainly looking much better than what the American preview showcased.

And yeah, I think the next ep is it for 2005. American network television generally takes most of December off for some reason. I guess they think people really need to concentrate on the upcoming anniversy of the birth of christ.

I, for one, would rather know more about Dharma. I can always deal with the state of my eternal soul during the summer hiatus.

At 28 November, 2005 09:23, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha men, people need to be concentrated for the birthday..you are so ironic :D

So we will have to wait more than a month from next week. and one month ago the same thing happened. We have had this season too many "rehash". Dunno if this is the correct word, but here in Spain people uses this expression. (in spanish, of course).



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