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Monday, November 21, 2005

Riffs: Your Marginally Retarded Social Recommender

Riffs is sorta similar to del.icio.us in that it's a social bookmarking site, but that's about it. I only use del.icio.us as an example because I'm not sure what else to compare Riffs to. It's weird mesh of user-source information that combines bookmarks, reviews, a message board, and what looks like some kind of wiki into a resource that has the potential to become to extensive to actually use.

For instance, Riffs only just came online and, so far, the only real uses I've had for it are as a time-waster and a blog post. It's already so full of meaningless, stupid, inconsequential shit, that it's almost impossible to find anything worth reading. There's a top 25 feature, but all that really does is make a list of the most popular examples of inanity.

It's worth a look because of its potential, but that's all. Maybe if they institute some user contraints to limit worthless content, make the presentation smaller so as to better use screen space, and add a preview of each post to the listings, I might go ahead and give it another try. Until then, though, I'm good with what I've got. It is an alpha, though, so we'll see, I guess.


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