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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Handheld DNA Scanner = More "Fun" at the Airport

Physorg.com is reporting on what is essentially a handheld DNA scanner. Where as the process of replicating DNA for analyses took a lot of long and arduous lab work, it can now be done in a matter of minutes in the field using a device about half the size of a paperclip.

Now, I like science, and god knows I love anything that makes my life more closely resemble an episode of Star Trek, but I can't help but think that this new dohickey is gonna be used to "wand" one of my orifices the next time I decide to take a plane trip.

Since the least invasive way to remove DNA is through a mouth swab, I'm gonna go ahead and guarantee that after this device is delpoyed in the field, some guy who happens to have his jaw wired shut is gonna get stuck on the "no-fly" list.


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