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Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Heated Bra: A Guide to Awkward Burns

BBC News is running an article on a new heated bra. It's Japanese, of course, and was supposedly created as an answer to Prime Minister Koizumi's plan to conserve energy in the coming winter(He's apparently asked the Japanese citizenry to not set their heaters above 20.C).

Anyway, the bra gets its heat via the microwave oven and is covered in some kind of faux fur that's meant to act as some sort of bossom-scarf...

Anyway, the bra isn't actually for sale yet. Right now it's just being shown off as a prototype, but it's only a matter of time until Triumph, the company that made the thing, is forced into full scale production by the throngs of marginally retarded consumers who desperately want to waste their money on something as stupid as microwavable bra.

Anyway, back to whatever it is I do when I'm not doing this. Cya, losers.

Oh, and I'd just like to point out that, from the picture anyway, it seems pretty obvious that this thing was never meant to be worn underneath normal clothing. Take from that what you will...

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