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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Picopad, or How to Waste Four Dollars

Picopad is a tiny notepad and pen. It's about the size of a credit card and will fit easily into your wallet to fill the empty space left behind by the money you just burned buying a stupid novelty notepad.

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark, here, and assume that this thing is being marketed toward men. So, that begs the question, have these people ever see a man's wallet? I mean, really, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that nestled somewhere between the hard-candy, spare keys, and loose change that normally occupy the 4-inch-thick ass jack most guys carry around with them would be at least one or two things on which to write?

All you need now is a pen.

But let me just say this: If you're reading this post or somehow found this product on your own, you more than likely own a cell phone, most of which have some kind of note taking function. A word of advice: Learn how to use the fucking thing and save yourself some god damned money.

Via Gadget Madness.

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