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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Lost 2x06 "Abandoned"

Another great episode of Lost last night. This one picked up a little, but even the slower ones make some great TV.

Here are some thoughts and questions in no particular order:
  • Jack was responsible for Shannon's father's death. He's seen passing Shannon and the step-mother in the hospital right before the doctors gives them the bad news.
  • The doctor lied to Shannon and the step-mother about how Mr. Rutherford died. Claimed he stopped breathing at he scene and couldn't be resuscitated when, in fact, he was quite alive all the way into the ER when Jack made the decision to abandon him in favor of his future wife.
  • Jack and Kate were almost completely absent from this episode (only bit of Jack was in the flashback). Were they manning the dead-man's switch?
  • Speaking of Jack - and this has nothing to do with last night's ep - I don't think he got divorced. For some reason, I think she died. Maybe from a late blooming side effect of the surgery.
  • Creepy Walt seems to be a product of the remote viewing stuff. Same deal with the voices. The seem to be the projected thoughts of the people behind all this stuff. Question is, are the visions of Jack's dad from season 1 the same thing?
  • Anna Lucia is still Ms. Nasty McBitch and I don't much care for her at all.
  • Michael, Jin, and Sawyer are starting to bond more, even if Sawyer is still an ass, Michael is still whines too much, and Jin still doesn't speak English.
  • Speaking of them, Michael sure did seem to know exactly how to make a stretcher. Granted, it's not that hard, really, but they managed to make a rather sturdy carrier rather quickly. I think Michael is a lot more than just an artist and a construction worker.
  • Cindy, the Ozzy brunette, sure did disappear without a trace. I thought I saw some sort of cave or hole in the ridge face that she might have walked past, but I'll have to watch the ep again. Doesn't seem to unlikely that the others could have snatched her up without the rest of the group noticing, though. They seem to be good at that type of thing.
  • Kinda funny that the psychologist was carrying Cindy's blue bag at the top of the ridge, though...
  • And another thing about the psychologist; I think she's got some connection to Hurley.
  • Anna said she liked Eko better when he didn't talk. Could he not speak? Was he just the quiet type? Did he have to learn English?
  • So, Shannon's dead. That sucks. I liked her, even though she was a spoiled little brat. And Anna shot her, too. I really don't like Anna. I'd like to see Sayid break her neck. And I'd like to see him do it without flinching at all. Almost as if he was just brushing away a bug.
  • Sadly, I think Shannon really is gone. She'll probably be in some more flashbacks and maybe in the opening scenes of the episode that continues this one, but she ain't coming back as she was.
  • Extended episode next week! Yay!
  • From the previews, though, it looks like Bernard may have still been in the bathroom when the plane went down. And that, my friends, is why I put a cork in it whenever I fly. I can think of few worse ways to die than in a cartwheeling ball of flame with my pants at my ankles, all the while getting splashed in the face with blue chemical water.
Anyway, until next week. Peace, yo!

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At 11 November, 2005 11:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Spain man. What do you think Walt says?. He's speeaking backwards, right??

At 11 November, 2005 14:15, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

I've been on a few message boards that claim that he's saying something along the lines of "Don't go in the jungle," and "be quiet."

I haven't been able to confirm that, though.

At 11 November, 2005 16:54, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding Walt, according to the folks on the message boards at the official Lost site (who have waaaaay too much time on their hands and go through every episode in great detail) Walt said :"I'm coming and I'm close."

Also, more stuff I didn't notice myself, but saw on that message board: and this is probably the biggie of the episode...who shot Shannon? They made it look like it was Anna. However, it's been pointed out that: a) Shannon looked like she had a stab wound, not a gunshot wound, b) when Sayid looks up from holding her body, in the extreme foreground, is a figure holding a gun down by their leg, in their left hand, c) Ana was shown holding the gun in her right hand. So the theory goes that crazy French lady actually shot (or stabbed) Shannon, out of jealousy because she's got a thing for Sayid. Then Anna shot her. So the two groups still haven't "met up" with each other, despite how the ending scene was edited to look like.

At 12 November, 2005 00:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments. It's amazing. So we have to theories about Walt's words..., and dara... your comments is so interesting. I have no words, as always we have to wait until next episode.

Regards from Spain.

At 12 November, 2005 19:56, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

I just rewatched the last few minutes of episode, and the arm shown in the extreme foreground of the shot with Shannon and Sayid is most definitely not that of Anna Lucia. It's a different shape altogether and seems to have a lot of hair either on it or around it. It also seems to be holding something. Not sure what, though. It just ain't a baretta.

My money is on either Rousseau or Desmond.

I'm not sure who Anna shot, though. Maybe one of the others? Some strange, out of place animal, maybe?

At 13 November, 2005 19:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my weblog we're talking about this situation too. It's amazing. Next episode will be extended, right?. I've watched the trailer and I guess we're not going to discover who killed Shannon, right?. BTW, someone in my blog says that last week scriptwriters said we were going to know who was killed in 2x06 and in the next one (2x07-8) who whas the killer.



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