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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Al Franken for US Senate in 2008

Al Franken was apparently serious when he joked about a run for the Senate during an interview on the Daily Show a few weeks ago.

The Washington Post is reporting, albeit in the "Entertainment" section, that Franken plans to move back to Minnesota this January to start efforts to win back the late Paul Wellstone's seat from Republican Norm Coleman. Franken, who is originally from Minnesota, was a long-time friend of Wellstone and had campaigned for him before the politician's death in closing days of the 2002 election.

This is very cool. If you anyone out there happens to find themselves moving out to Minnesota before the 2008 election, make sure you get your ass to the polls and vote Franken.

Oh, you could buy his book, too. I'm sure that'd help.

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