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Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Didn't Know that Lewis Black Liked Smooth Jazz?

As happy as I am to get a chance to see more of my favorite comedian, I can't, for the life of me, see Lewis Black fitting in with the folks over at the Weather Channel.

They don't seem like the type of people to go on a crack binge, but WTF?

I suppose they make a good match for each other. Mr. Blacks routines regularly feature segments about how the weather is so fucked up, but it still feels a little weird. I seem to remember a certain bit about how any one of us could do their job while getting fucked in the ass by a gorilla and still predict the weather with the same amount of accuracy as a television meteorologist.

Whatever, I'll watch. Lewis Black and blue screens seem like an amusing combination.

Check out this CNN Article for more.

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At 10 November, 2005 13:50, Blogger Andre said...

Its too early in the day to be thinking about what I could be doing while being ass raped by a gorilla dammit!

I can only think of a few off the top of my head tho


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