Rosie the Robot
All we need now are flying cars and a giant sprocket manufacturing conglomerate.
Gizmag has a neat article of a new Fujitsu service robot meant to assist in various household capacities. The robot is ENON (Exciting Nova On Network) and can do simple things like escort guests and transport objects.
The robot also speaks, in Japanese, of course, has an integrated wireless LAN connection, an LCD touchscreen display, 6 cameras, 3 unltrasonic sensors, and 3 proximity sensors.
Oh, and it looks like Rosie from the Jetsons, which, to me anyway, is its biggest selling point. It's about time robots started taking human form. A radio-controlled vacuum cleaner does not a robot make.
Anywho, I didn't see anything about the price, but ENON is apparently being released today.
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