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Monday, November 07, 2005

HTTrack Web Site Back-Up Utility

Blogger worries me sometimes. It gets all screwy every once in a while and for no apparent reason. One day it'll be the picture function; another, the wysiswyg editor; and then another, the spell checker. It's rather consistent in its inconsistency and one day I fear it may just stop working altogether.

So it's probably a really good thing that I came across HTTrack to back up all of my files. Put simply, the program just copies a given website to a local drive for offline access. It's only a "back up" in that it creates your own private copy of your site, but it's better than nothing.

Yeah, it's limited, but it's free, just like Blogger, which is why I haven't gotten up off my ass to get some webhosting to go along with my domain name. Besides, HTTrack let me get a good look at the finished html code of a Blogger post, something I haven't really been able to grasp through the template editor.

If your interested, check it out. Lifehacker has a pretty good little blurb on it.

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