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Sunday, November 06, 2005

On The Issues

I'm sure this site isn't new, but since I only recently found it, Imma post it anyway.

On the Issues is a politico's wet dream, with quotes about every issue from every candidate and political figure in the United States. I'd post some gems, but there's just too much to choose from.

The site also features a number of quizzes designed to help you figure out if you were supposed to waste you vote or not. For instance, according to my answers to their 2004 Presidential Election issues quiz, I should have voted for Carol Moseley-Braun, Dennis Kucinich, or Ralph Nader. I'm not particularly sure that I agree with that, especially since common sense doesn't seem to be part their criteria, but what the hell? I do agree with their conclusion that I'm a super left-leaning, liberal populist, which, I guess, I already knew; but gee, how nice is it when the Great and Powerful Oz internet confirms your beliefs?


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