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Friday, November 11, 2005

Fightin' Joe Biden

According to the Washington Post, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware is looking to make a run for the White House.

Here's a quote:
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) seems to have made up his mind to enter the 2008 presidential race, based on reading between the lines of a letter he sent to a potential donor last month and obtained by The Fix from the camp of a potential presidential rival.

"I'm running," Biden writes. "You know better than most fundraising is a never-ending story."
This makes me happy. Senator Biden is one of the few, real statesmen left in American politics (along with Senators Clinton, McCain, and Specter). Unlike the impression I get from the President and his puppet-masters yes-men cabinet, I have little doubt that the Senator actually cares about the United States and its citizens.

I'd say I'd vote for him, but I've got a feeling that Mrs. Clinton will be running too. And I really want the Clintons back.


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