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Friday, October 07, 2005

This Shit on Rove Just Keeps Coming

So now, according to a New York Times article via Mark Kleiman, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald might be getting ready to charge Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with espionage. ESPIONAGE!!!



From the article:
One new approach appears to involve the possible use of Chapter 37 of the federal espionage and censorship law, which makes it a crime for anyone who "willfully communicates, delivers, transfers or causes to be communicated" to someone "not entitled to receive it" classified information relating the national defense matters.

Under this broad statute, a government official or a private citizen who passed classified information to anyone else in or outside the government could potentially be charged with a felony, if they transferred the information to someone without a security clearance to receive it.

I think I just shat myself. No, wait... I'm positive I just shat myself.

As also illustrated by Mr. Kleinman, my impression of this investigation was that the focus of the prosecutor was going to be an attempt at getting a conviction based on the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, the wording of which makes it pretty difficult to prosecute.

If they really are going after Mr. Rove for espionage, that means they must really, really want him.

All I gotta say about that is "damn."


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