The Manhunter from Mars
Monitor Duty is posting a new article by Alan Kistler chronicling the history of the Martian Manhunter.
As always, it's a good read and helps clear up a lot of questions about the character.
Of particular interest is the origin of J'onn J'onzz and how his backstory has changed over the years so that a man from Mars doesn't sound like an old 1950's scifi cliche. I was also quite suprised to learn that the Manhunter is rather dark for a DC Comics character, using his telepathy to implant false memories in innocent people, employing his shapeshifting ability to torture an evil version of Superman (Yes, evil. I wonder how big a dick that guy is?), and several times engaging in activities that directly lead to the deaths of villains. That's a pretty big deal in a universe where the darkest hero, Batman, still refuses to put an end to his psychotic, mass murdering arch enemy, the Joker (Batman: I don't kill. - My Response: Waaaaa.....).
Anyway, check it out. It's a good time waster.
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