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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Lost 2x05 - "... And Found"

So, another solid episode last night. No major revelations, but we did get a few more questions.

In no particular order, here are my thoughts and questions:
  • Jin certainly is picking up English pretty well.
  • As soon as Sun said she lost her ring, I knew that it was with the bottle.
  • That Mr. Echo guy is a little weird. I wonder if that's his real name or his rebirth-in-the-jungle name.
  • The tail section survivors seemed to have made knives and spear out of salvaged and sharpened aircraft aluminum. I wonder how they managed to sharpen that stuff. Rocks, maybe?
  • Jin seems to be really good at that whole fishing thing. I'd have thought that he could make a pretty nice living with that and not have to work as a busboy, waiter, or a doorman, but I don't really know much about Korean culture. Do they have a rigid class system?
  • It's funny that Sun and that guy didn't speak any English to each other since, you know, she knew he went to school in the US right when they met. Could it be that she didn't speak the language yet? Did she learn it after she met Jin?
  • There are boar on this side of the island too, and Jin is lucky he wasn't gorged.
  • Did anyone else think the hotel guy was gonna tell Sun he was gay?
  • So, I guess "the others" have never heard of shoes. Kinda funny from a group of people who give their children teddy bears to play with.
  • Was the teddy bear supposed to be significant? It looked familiar somehow, but I can't recall if I've seen on the show before.
  • Kate seemed oddly sentimental about Sawyer.
  • Michael doesn't seem to have any common sense, whatsoever. Tear-assing around an uncharted jungle screaming out for his son and the murderous kidnappers who took him armed only with a stick?
  • Seems like that book Jin's friend had was pretty spot on. The chick in the orange dress literally led Jin right in to Sun.
  • I really liked learning more about Jin and Sun, but I can't help but feel like I missed something in the subtitles.
  • I see a problem coming between Sawyer, Anna Lucia, and Kate. Maybe Jack too.
  • Have the explained why Sun seems to know so much about botany? Doesn't she have a degree in art history? It's kinda funny how no one seems to question this because she's Korean.
  • It doesn't make sense for the tail section group to not share information with the raft survivors. It's not like they don't have the time. Besides, wouldn't the tail section group want to learn what our guys know about the others?
  • When Jin and Echo were talking about Jin being married and Jin asked Echo if he was married, did Echo reply, "No. Worse.?" What's that about?
  • The tail section group has a radio. Were they the ones who answered Boone last season?
  • The others we've encountered in the jungle and the others we've encountered on the raft don't seem to be the same group of people. The raft bunch had technology and clothes. The jungle group looked much more feral.
That's it for now, I guess. Until November, then.


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