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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Wedding Day

Still down in Ft. Myers.

The wedding is today and all seems to be going relatively well. Well, well in that the hotel and church haven't burned down and there aren't any hurricanes baring down on us.

Should be an interesting day. Lexatron doesn't seem nervous at all, but The Girl has been running around non-stop to get everything ready. It's a shame I can't be of more use, but without a car down here, the most I can do is sit in the hotel and read comic books.

I'm told that I can also go out on to the beach, since the hotel's right on the water, but who the fuck wants to do that?


At 15 October, 2005 20:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must you curse!. A little color would not hurt you. Can you guess who this is?

At 15 October, 2005 20:32, Blogger Andre said...

Hahaha someone called you out man!

Glad you got down there safe and everything is cool.

At 17 October, 2005 16:41, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

I'm pretty sure that's my mother complaining.

And yes, I must.


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