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Friday, October 07, 2005

Live West Wing Episode

The November 6th episode of The West Wing will be a live presidential debate between Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda.

How cool is that?

CNN is running an article about it here.

Apparently they're going to be doing two live shows; one for the east coast, and one for the west coast.

I'm curious if it'll be an actual live episode, or if they'll go ahead and make it a mock presidential debate. I'd dig either, actually, since both actors, and the characters they play, are appealing to me and aren't caricatures of contemporary politicians. Sure, both Santos and Vinnick were created with all of the best attributes of their parties in mind, but what's so unrealistic about that?

I think we've all just gotten used to having sub-par politicians in power that we can only see fantasy in the notion of competent, well-spoken, and honest leadership.

At any rate, it's a good show. Sunday's @ 8pm on NBC. Watch it, jackass.


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