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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Revenge For Those With No Creativity

Via OhGizmo!, the Revenge CD makes ready-made revenge available to those with a completely lack of imagination.

The CD, which ships with a pair of earplugs, is a collection of incredibly loud and annoying sounds compiled for the express purpose of dealing out comeuppance to inconsiderate neighbors.

Here are the first 10 tracks:
  • Drill
  • Party (At Least 200 People)
  • Orgasm (Outstanding)
  • Train
  • Drum (Played by a Child)
  • Inhuman Screams
  • Walking (High Heels)
  • Domestic Squabble
  • Doors Banging
  • Bowling
Seems like a bit of a cop-out, but I guess we all can't shove a sword through the ceiling.

And yes, I did actually do that. I used to live below kangaroos.


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