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Thursday, September 15, 2005

God, I Want a Pizza

This thing would be cool if I could figure out how exactly it's supposed to work.

First of all, the only time you eat pizza with a knife and fork is when you're really, really hungry and the pizza is just too damn hot to pick up. Any other time is just wrong; period.

Aside from that, though, the thing is kinda dinky for a pizza cutter. I can't really imagine this thing being all that good at cutting a whole pie up in to slices, but my idea of pizza, I've learned, is much different from what most people are willing to settle for.

So maybe it could get through a "pizza," but it still doesn't look like a very comfortable fork. Is it just me, or does it look like you'd get sauce and shit all over your hands if you tried to hold this thing like a regular fork?

Waste of fucking technology, if you ask me.

Via OhGizmo!.


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