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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Body Armor with Style

A Columbian clothing designer, Miguel Caballero, has come up with bullet proof business and formal wear. Well, bullet resistant, actually. Nothing is really bullet proof.

Anywho, the suits look like ordinary clothing and are relatively light-weight with a size large only tipping the scales at a little under 4 pounds.

The armor is classified IIIA and can stop up at one handgun bullet within the same 5 five centimeters, finally giving way at a maximum of 22 impacts.

For those of you who might not know, that means that this stuff is considered "light" armor and would essentially do nothing against large caliber or high powered weapons like assault rifles. Also, just because the bullet stays on the outside of your body, it doesn't mean that getting shot won't still hurt like a bastard. Even a shot from a little sissy gun'll probably break or bruise your ribs.

Still, with the added bonus of being fire and heat resistant up to 300 degrees Celsius, this shit ain't such a bad deal.

No information on price, but that really isn't too surprising since the company is in South America. The global market value of one suit is probably some impossibly large number in their native currency.

Via OhGizmo!


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