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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Computer Problems

So, my work machine died today. Don't mourn it, though, for it was an utter shit box.

The machine was a user slut, having been passed around from employee to employee like a 10 dollar hooker. I shit you not, it had no less than 7 different account names saved locally.

I'm pretty sure it hadn't been wiped in years, if at all. The Windows bloat was so bad that after about 10 minutes of use, the thing would slow down so severely that it would take a good 15 seconds for the desktop context menu to open.

My only regret is that I didn't actually destroy it on purpose. Its death was just some kind of random and inconvenient fluke.


Anyway, I'm still waiting for admin rights on this new machine, so this post is brought to you via Internet Explore rather than my usual Firefox.

God, I miss Firefox. Every time I use IE I feel as if I'm being violated; hence, the picture.


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