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Monday, September 19, 2005

Bob Vila's Hurricane House

I'm not a big fan of Bob Vila. He rarely does any of the actual work on his show and I've always found him rather condescending to the other people he shares the screen with.

That said, he does do some good, I guess, and recently helped out a victim of hurricane Charley by partnering with Florida firm to rebuild the guy's destroyed home.

In and of itself, not such a big deal. But check out how they built the house.

The whole purpose of the project, aside from replacing the victim's leveled home, was to use new construction techniques to build a house that exceeds current hurricane code. The result is a house that is essentially a giant, steel-reinforced box made of poured concrete rather than standard cinder blocks.

The article also goes into some other, less innovated and more easily accessible safety features that current homeowners can add to better prepare themselves for the super storm looming on the horizon.


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