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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Fix Firefox's Memory Leak

If any of you use Firefox's tabbed browsing function, you might have noticed that the more tabs you have open, the slower shit seems to load. Well, apparently that's because Firefox stores a seperate history set for each tab in the computer's active memory, something it really doesn't need to do. This little fix attempts to remedy that problem.

Now, keep in mind that this isn't really a proper fix as much as it is a temporary hack. Areal fix is only likely to come as part of some future version of the program.

Oh, and one more thing. You may not see any noticeable difference in the speed of the browser after perfoming this fix. Essentially,the fix takes the inidividual tabs' histories out of active memory and caches them to the hard drive. My guess is that if you're running a machine with a good amount of ram, the results here are going to be a lot less severe than if you're running some old ass shitbox.

Personally, this seems to have had no effect on my superbox at home, but on my work machine, it's like night and day.

Anyway, here's the actual fix:
  1. Open Firefox and go to the Address Bar. Type in about:config and then press Enter.
  2. Right Click in the page and select New -> Boolean.
  3. In the box that pops up enter config.trim_on_minimize. Press Enter.
  4. Now select True and then press Enter.
  5. Restart Firefox.
Via Cybernet.


At 14 April, 2006 14:58, Blogger Andre said...

Muy excellente.

At 05 April, 2014 05:57, Blogger Unknown said...

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