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Friday, March 24, 2006

Lost 2x16 - "The Whole Truth"

Ok, then. This week's episode was quite good. It didn't really advance the plot all that much or give us any huge, new twists to think about, but I really liked it. I think it might have something to do with the focus characters; I really like Sun and Jin. They have a very strange relationship that, despite the extraordinary and fantastical circumstances of their lives, feels very real.

And, with that, here's my random list of observations:
  • Henry Gale is definitely an other. I'm just not sure what the hell he's playing at. FRom the previews for next week's episode, Anna, Sayid, and Charlie obviously find the balloon, so his little speech about the trap wasn't some kind of big reveal. Misdirection, maybe? Directed toward us (the viewers) or the characters, though?
  • So Sun is pregnant; that's interesting, but somewhat predictable. There's no reason to doubt her claim that she hasn't slept with anyone else since they've been on the island, but if she did, we'll find out eventually, I suppose. I've seen that some people think the she got knocked up by the hotel owner's son, but doesn't seem very likely. For one thing, in a work of fiction, we have to take the characters at their word unless we are shown something that directly contradicts the dialogue (i.e. she claims not have slept with him, but they showed us the sex scene). Otherwise, how can we assume that anything a character says is true? Without that qualifier, you simply can't tell a story. And for another thing, they've been on that island coming up on 60 days. Even if she did do the hotel owner's son, and even if she did him the day before the crash (it would have had to have been at least the day before since the flashbacks were in South Korea and the doomed flight took off from Australia - two countries seperated by a hemisphere, two continents, and a distance of roughly 5200 miles), she wouldn't just now be feeling the first signed of pregnancy two months later. Nah, either Jin can, in fact, have children, or someone did something to her without her knowledge.
  • And with that thought; who might have had that opportunity? Charlie is the only one of whom I can think, but, from what I remember, he didn't really have enough time to do that. Sun screemed; people came running; she was found. Couldn't have been more than a few minutes and she was still fully dressed when they found her.
  • Speaking of Charlie, he was sort of back to his old self in this episode. Not entirely, but he wasn't the same evil little hobbit of the last story arc. He has changed, though. Even in a more laid back and "fun" mode, he was acting kinda creepy.
  • Oh, and while we're on the subject of creepy; what the fuck, Sayid? Just sitting there watching Anne Lucia sleep? I don't like her much either, but that's just not healthy.
  • Like the last episode with Claire, something new happened with the flashbacks this week; someone other than the focus character got to know what was going on! Yeah, someone on the island actually communicated with another castaway!!!!! Kind of ironic that two of the most private and isolated people on the island are the only ones that can manage to have a meaningful conversation.
  • In the first flashback, I was surprised that Jin was so open with Sun about the type of work he did for her father. From what we've seen of them before, it didn't seem like they talked much about that.
  • This episode made me sympathize with Henry a bit. Well, a lot, actually, until the very end. I still think he's an other because of his name, but I'll admit the possibility that I'm wrong.
  • If I am wrong, though, he's an idiot. Why on Earth would he be antognizing his captors like that? He seems to want to live, but shit like that ain't gonna help him.
  • Nice to see that someone, even if it was Henry, has brought up the question as to how the food gets there.
  • Dharma rice crispies make me smile...
  • As does the Sun/Hurley scene in the jungle.
  • Heh, we know where Sun learned English, now. I was kind of hoping there was something more to it than that, though. So she wanted a friend because Jin was becoming distant; that's pretty pedestrian, I think.
  • Waaa, waaa! Nobody likes Anna Lucia. Good. She shot and killed an innocent teen-aged girl. Oh, and she's a total fucking bitch. What's not to like?
  • Henry seemed genuinely surprised that Anna managed to walk all the way across the island to link up with the other survivors. Not sure what the means, but I think it means something.
  • Very interesting that the fertility doctor was so frieghtened of telling Jin that he wasn't able to have children. After Jin's outburst at hearing it was his wife, though, I completely understand why, but still. Also, are fertility clinics that popular in South Korea? From what I know of the place, isn't it a rather crowded country?
  • Sun really shouldn't have been out in the garden by herself. Jin was totally right in his motivation, if not his actions. For all they know, the others might still be after her. Her now being pregnant would certainly strengthen that argument. After all, only the viewers, Sawyer, and Charlie know that Charlie was the one that attacked her.
  • The pregnancy test that Sun used a product of Widmore Labs, which, I think, is where Michael used to work.
  • Bernanrd forgot Rose's birthday. Well, ok, he didn't forget her birthday, he just lost his concept of time. Brings up a good point as to how they're all keeping track of time and all. I guess it's pretty reasonable that someone would have a calendar with them or a watch or something that displayed the date, but I'm with Bernard on this one. I would totally lose track of time.
  • Locke seemd a bit more like his old self again, too. He was decisive and direct and seemed completely unphased by Henry's little shpeel at the end of the ep; almost like he know exactly what Gale was trying to pull. I hope Locke stays like this.
I'm sure there's more I could write, but, despite my obsession, I "lost" interest for the moment...

Yeah. I know. I'm a loser...

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At 30 March, 2006 08:30, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG... what an amazing episode the 2x17... pfffff


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