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Friday, March 31, 2006

Alan Kistler's Profile On: Firestorm

Monitor Duty has posted another awesome Alan Kistler article, this time profiling Firestorm.

And yes, I know; he's got a horrible costume. Also probably doesn't help that I found just about the gheyest cover imaginable, either.

I promise you, though, he's actually a cool superhero despite his horrible fashion sense.

But if you still don't believe me, think of it this way: at least he doesnt have to be moist to use his powers...

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At 03 April, 2006 14:46, Blogger Andre said...

hahahahhaha @ moistness

At 14 April, 2006 03:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Great joke about being "moist." God, I love that word.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for the free plug and I'm glad you enjoyed the article. Always happy to know folks are reading. :-)


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