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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Comic Book Day - 04/05/06

Yeah, I know it's been a while since I've done my weekly broadcasts of how I waste my money, but what can I say? I got bored with it.

The funny thing, though, is that I've now become bored with not doing. More so, in fact, than I ever was doing it.

And now that you're thoroughly confused, here's my pull list:
  • Batman and the Monster Men #6 (of 6) - Finally. I've not enjoyed this too terribly much, but kept buying it just to finish out the series. The art just isn't to my liking and Hugo Strange is just about my least favorite Bat-Villain. It's mostly just the art, though.
  • Detective Comics #818 - I dig the whole One Year Later thing, and the first two installments of this arc were good (DC #817 & Bats #651) but the prospect of Two Face being some sort of central plot point kind of sours me a bit to the rest of the story. The old Rogues are just that; old. I'd like to see more of how Jason Todd is integrating himself back into the Bat-family.
  • Infinite Crisis #6 (of 7) - Yay! The last issue felt a bit rushed, but was otherwise awesome. The two Supes fighting each other made the whole series worth it, in my opinion. Superboy Prime comes back in this issue, though. And after how effortlessly and butally he killed all of those D-list heroes in his last appearance, this issue might actually top the last.
  • JSA #84 - The second installment of the OYL Gentleman Ghost arc. To be honest, I wasn't thrilled with the first part of the story, but I like the JSA heroes and their team dynamic, so it's still worth my time (and money).
  • Outsiders #35 - I just like the way Winick writes the team. It's an entertaining book even if the it doesn't always make the most sense.
  • The OMAC Project Infinite Crisis Special - A follow-up to the OMAC Project and a tie-in to Inifinite Crisis. Need I say more? Well, yes, actually. This is supposed to lead in to the new ongoing Checkmate series, of which I'm not terribly interested. We'll see how it goes, though.
  • Teen Titans #34 - The start of the Titan's OYL arc. I really like this book. The team seems to have been tredding water for the past several months, and this issue sounds like it'll actually advance their story some. Plus, the variant cover features a memorial to Superboy (Conner Kent), so I'm interested to see what that's all about.
And with that, I'm done.

Picture via Superdickery.

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At 06 April, 2006 09:03, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

What's with the cheapo Infinite Crisis covers this month? I much preferred the thick, glossy card stock DC used for the first 5 issues. I kinda feel cheated now.


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