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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lost: The Obligatory Post

Lost was a repeat last night. I cried.

This whole winter hiatus thing is a big hairy bunch of ass.

Anyway, to tide you over until the January return, here's a list of Lost related websites. Be forewarned, though, some of these sites might contain spoilers. They're usually pretty well marked, but shit happens.
Some Wikipedia Links:
Alright, that's it. If anyone figures out how to get in to the Dharma Site, let me know. Apparently the password is embedded somewhere in the page code, but you need a hex decrypter for it or something. I'm not even entirely sure what that means...

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At 08 December, 2005 14:38, Blogger Arturius Boomaeus said...

Copenhagen is the password for the Hanso web site. Go there, clikc on the "life extension project" link in the "Active Projects Section."

That should bring up a picture of a document. The last two lines of that document are a link to a password prompt. That's where "Copenhagen" comes in. It's case sensitive, so make sure the "C" is capitalized.

Also, I'd read the first document before you go on to the prompt. And yes, the prompt is supposed to look a little scrambled.


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