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Friday, December 09, 2005

Jackass in Kansas Suspends Student for Speaking Spanish

The Washington Post is reporting the Kansas City public school system has suspended a student for speaking Spanish. Was the kid mouthing off a to a teacher or joking about some plot for a rampage? No. His friend asked for a dollar and he answered.

From the article:
It was, like, totally not in the classroom," the high school junior said, recalling the infraction. "We were in the, like, hall or whatever, on restroom break. This kid I know, he's like, 'Me prestas un dolar?' ['Will you lend me a dollar?'] Well, he asked in Spanish; it just seemed natural to answer that way. So I'm like, 'No problema.' "

But that conversation turned out to be a big problem for the staff at the Endeavor Alternative School, a small public high school in an ethnically mixed blue-collar neighborhood. A teacher who overheard the two boys sent Zach to the office, where Principal Jennifer Watts ordered him to call his father and leave the school.

Watts, whom students describe as a disciplinarian, said she can't discuss the case. But in a written "discipline referral" explaining her decision to suspend Zach for 1 1/2 days, she noted: "This is not the first time we have [asked] Zach and others to not speak Spanish at school."
Ah, Kansas. The never-ending festival of idiots.

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At 09 December, 2005 21:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pf, dumb people...

Aquí en España la gente habla inglés, y deberíamos considerarlo un lujo el hecho de poder expresarnos de la forma que queramos.


Here in Spain people speak english and some Tv ads are in english (even if the company is spanish). We do use many english words for everything. Should all of we be punished?. Dunno how to say that they're pathetic.

Gracias y un saludo.

At 12 December, 2005 14:47, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a lawyer in the house? This power-driven school principal has violated the student's right to free speech.She should study history..the Pennsylvania Dutch refused to learn English,but their descendants have no problem with it.Teachers prepare thyselves..the latinos will outnumber the English-speaking in another generation.Learn Spanish now.


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