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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

South African History Comic Books

See, they're not just for dorks.

A white, South African artist who was brought up during the Apartheid has teamed up with Nelson Mandela to do a 9-issue series chronicling the former president and political prisoner's life. The comics are part of an effort to teach the true history of South Africa, rather than simply dismissing any historic act carried out by the black majority of the country.

Apparently, South African history curriculums only delve back to the ancient times of 1652 when the Dutch landed in the area. Everything that happened before the region was "discovered" evidently means nothing, as it was a time of heathens and savagery not fit for the ears of civilized man. Or, rather, the government there still doesn't care much for black folk.

Anywho, check the article out over at CNN.


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