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Monday, October 03, 2005

It Must Be Fucking Christmas

Tom DeLay has been indicted on an additional charge of Money Laundering by a Texas grand jury. Check out the Google News listing.

With this and all the right wing dissension over recent political appointees, namely Brownie and this morning's Ms. Miers, it's almost like God's starting to feel guilty about letting the Neo-Cons destroy what used to be a shining beacon of freedom.

OK, we were never really a shining beacon of freedom, but whatever we were, we certainly weren't the authoritarian regime we now are. The recent invasion of Iraq was the first time, ever, that the United States attacked another sovereign nation unprovoked. That really says something about the direction we've taken.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the 2006 mid-term elections now. We might actually have a chance in taking our country back.


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