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Saturday, October 01, 2005

8-Page All-Star Superman Preview

Newsrama has an 8-page preview of All-Star Superman #1.

For those who don't know, All-Star Superman is an out of continuity Superman mini-series similar to Marvel's Ultimate Universe. It's being written Grant Morrison with art by Frank Quitely. The first issue debutes in November and looks to be quite good.

I've heard some weird rumors that Supes actually bites the big one at the end of the story, so I'm really interested to see what it's all about.

Every dork ain't looking forward to this, though. I've heard some bitching cause this'll probably be another one of those all-hail-Superman stories that seem to dominate the landscape. But, you know what?, he's fucking Superman assholes. Deal with it.

Anyway, I'm diggin' it, and if you're reading my blog, you probably value my opinion at least a little bit, so check it out.

Via Monitor Duty.


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