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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Yeah, That's Right, Bitch. E-paper is here.

Polymer Vision, a subsidiary of Philips, has working, rollable electronic paper. I know precisely dick about how it works, but who gives a shit?

Here's what I do know about it, though. It's got a resolution of 240x320, a rolling radius of 0.75cm, a contrast ratio of 10:1, and a refresh rate of 50 Hz. It's also only 25 µm thick.

Yeah, fuck if I know what
"µm" means either, but the dude over at Uber Gizmo seems to be excited about it, so I guess it's thin.

So, in conclusion, this shit is wicked bad, yo. Now all I need is a jet pack and a flying car and I'm set.


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