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Monday, October 03, 2005

Crisis Counseling - 10/03/05

Well, we're getting ever closer to Infinite Crisis.

With this week's countdown and the wrap-up of The OMAC Project, the reckonning isn't much further off.

It's really sad how in to this shit I am. I'm freakin' jonesin' for it.

Lately I've even been looking forward to Wednesdays more than Fridays. That may have something to do with my job, though. I've steadily enjoyed my weekends less and less ever since I started working. The dred of having to go back to my cramped, little office every Monday really lessens the appeal of having any amount of time off. Add to that the fact that I'm basically alone all day at a job I don't really like, and you can start to understand why I prefer the escapism of comic books.

Jeez, how fucking depressing is that?



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