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Monday, October 31, 2005

I Want To: A Page of Utilities

I'm not sure where I came acorss this page, acutally. I bookmarked it work earlier today with the intention of posting it before I went home, but alas, someone actually wanted me to do my job...

Anywho, the I Want To page is a big ol' list of a bunch of useful little websites and utlities that can help with organization and efficiency.

I'n most cases, I think just writing something down on a piece of paper might be quicker, but these sites are fun too.

So dig, yo.

Besides, it's like I always say: it's good to want things. And yes, I know that I usually say that to be an ass, but it applies here too. And no, not the ass part.


At 01 November, 2005 08:59, Blogger Andre said...

W00t! This site is @w3s0m3!


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